Street food

Monday, December 12th, 2016
  • Thailand street food

    I am no ‘foodie,’ but it cannot be denied that Thailand has some amazing food. A great deal of the incredible food you can eat in this country is prepared and sold right on the street! The notion of eating ‘street food’ might raise the heart rate of a cautious traveller, but believe me, this is where the real taste of Thailand is found, and despite the what some of the locations and setups might look like, the food is safe and more than that, it’s delicious!

    Tonight I was wandering along Suthep Road looking for something really interesting and tasty. The average dish will cost around 35-40 Bhat (about £0.80p, $1 US, $1.30 Aus), which is frighteningly good value.

    I sampled some skewers as I wandered along the street looking for something. In the end I found a red and spicy cream based chicken feet soup that looked good. You order your food then sit and eat it at a table next to where it was made. Menu’s, if they have them, are usually written in Thai, of course, so it’s not considered rude to simply look at what’s being prepared or what’s eaten by others, then just point to what you want.

    The food here is often times wildly spicy, so it’s not for the faint hearted. But at street price it’s no big drama if you choose something you don’t like because you can simply leave it and go in search of something else.

    I really love this aspect of Thailand. I like the honesty of street food, the fact that you can watch them make your dish, and how fast and efficient they are at doing so. My favourite dish is still Tom Yum Talay, the spicy seafood soup that sometimes makes me sweat as I eat it! Hmmm, even writing about it makes me hungry!

    Stand where this picture was taken using Google street view.

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